Monday 3 June 2013

Let's play Prison Architect alpha 10 : Prison No. 1

Hello Guys,

I took the plunge and bought Prison Architect from introversion software ( It has been a really fun experience where I design my prison and decide where to place all of the facilities. Place them too far and your guys spend too much time to get there and too little time to use the facilities ... e.g. toilet. However the space is limited so you have to prioritize the facilities you want to make more accessible and allow less utilized facilities further away. Watch me play a simple design that I created and view the results for yourself!

Click on the prisoner and read the back story of your guy. He can be a murderer or a thief. Or someone who commits a white collar crime. A point to note : bringing in low risk prisoners does not mean they have a tame history. It only means they are NOT CONVICTED of the serious crime. Haha. I had a good laugh when I realized that. I read about people who murder their friends and dogs but are not convicted. Our legal system ... really....

Fighting, rioting and complaints are a common occurrence from prisoners. They will lead to blood being spilled and objects being damaged. You will find your blood pressure rise when you pay for all the damages your PRISONERS did while they COMPLAIN that the facility is not usable because of the damage ... the irony indeed.

This this video I find out whether my design can satisfy the occupants of the prison. I quashed multiple riots and ..... can we survive? Or do we need to start over....?

Watch the video to find out!


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